Truth .... its a Lie

Saturday, March 04, 2006


It has been ages since I wanted to tell someone about how I feel, but never did I get a chance to tell anyone .......... reason............was I afraid of someone ? or was I afraid that someone would misunderstand me ? or was it a mixture of both ? Frankly speaking it has been a mixture of both. Right from childhood , I have been facing this problem........ In my school everyone used to bully me, tease me ,mock at me , being such a lean person with thick lens spectacles I was afraid to give back an answer ........ or was it that I dindt want to hurt their feelings ? I am still very ambiguous as to why I used to keep mum. I really hate it when someone in my age group tries to boss me around, I believe in equality in power (when it comes to friends)........but there are people who think they are superior and its their right to dominate over others.

So, should I tell them when they are wrong ?, should I stand up to them and face them when they hurt me ?, or should I jus keep mum thinking that " Dogs on the road keep barking , why should I be bothered?". At times I feel like blasting them all cylinders and then suddenly I remember my mom's words "Never hurt anyone , whatever they do ,always try to do good to them " . With due regards to my mom's words I control my anger , so does that make me a coward ? or does that make the other person right (even though they are wrong )?

I dont understand why people try to behave in the manner they do ? When will they understand other's feelings ? Why do they always think that whatever they say is correct and others are wrong? There are people who think they are correct even when the whole world point out they are wrong and then complain to everyone that " My friends have turned their back on me " . Is it really necessary to be with persons who behave in this manner. I could have told them that they are wrong , but I dindt ... why ?

" FEAR "

fear that they will manhandle me ?? or fear that they will misunderstand me ??
(It still remains a mystery )

PS: I have got friends who are very trust worthy and helpful (99.99%). this blog is about the other 0.01% :)